Holy Communion FAQ

Information About Receiving Holy Communion


Who is welcome to receive Communion in our Church?

All baptized, believing Christians are welcome to receive Holy Communion no matter what your age, denomination or church background.


Is real bread used during Communion?

Yes. We use real bread remembering Jesus’ instructions during the Last Supper, wafers (for dipping into the wine instead of drinking from the cup) and gluten-free wafers are available. Just quietly ask for a wafer at the altar.


Is real wine used during Communion?

Yes, we use real wine as Jesus did. As an option, we also have individual little cups of non-alcoholic white grape juice, available in the center of the tray.


How do I receive at the altar?

A Greeter will escort your row into the center aisle. Fill in the altar rail left to right, either kneeling or standing. To receive the bread, place your hands together, palms up. To receive the wine, gently grasp the bottom of the cup and guide it to your lips. Or dip your wafer into the cup, and only let the wafer touch the wine. Or take one of the individual cups. Everyone exits to the left, down the left-side aisle (if needed, return the used cup to the tray on the way back to your seat). Please ask a Greeter if you would like communion brought to you in the pew.


What if I haven’t been baptized, can I still come forward?

Not baptized? Please ask one of our clergy about baptism. Or if you choose not to receive the bread or wine for any reason, we invite you to come forward, crossing your arms in front of your chest as a signal to the priest for a blessing prayer. Also, after receiving the bread, make the same “crossing your arms” sign if you prefer not to receive the wine.


Why do you have Communion every Sunday?

We celebrate Communion every Saturday and Sunday to rejoice in Christ's resurrection on the first day of the week. This is actually a practice that dates back to the early Church in the first century. We believe that God's act of forgiving us through Jesus’ death on the Cross is of such importance that we should celebrate it each week.


May children receive Communion?

All baptized persons no matter what age are welcome to receive Holy Communion. Baptized children and infants are invited to receive at the discretion of their parents.


What does the word “sacrament” mean?

Great question! A “sacrament” is “an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace.” In other words, it’s something we can see, touch, taste and feel that points to something equally as real, but invisible. The Sacrament of Holy Communion is a regular part of our worship and lets us participate in the real truth that Jesus’ death on the Cross means something for us. The wine and bread are prayed over and “consecrated” (set apart for holy use). In the broken bread we see his broken body, in the wine we see his blood spilled for us. By faith we believe that Jesus died for our sins and in our place. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, God restores us to a right relationship with Him. Our sins are forgiven and we are promised eternal life in heaven. We share the meal together to remember these important truths.


Where can I read more about Holy Communion?

Luke 22:17-20; 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 (Jesus instituted Holy Communion for the continued remembrance of the sacrifice of his atoning death, and to convey the benefits the faithful receive through that sacrifice.)

1 Corinthians 11:23 (The outward and visible sign is bread and wine, which Christ commands us to receive.)

1 Corinthians 10:16-18; 11:27; John 6:52-56 (The inward and spiritual thing signified is the body (bread) and blood (wine) of Christ, which are truly taken and received in the Lord’s Supper by faith.)


What does it mean to “eat his flesh” and “drink his blood”?

These words are from Jesus who spoke them in John 6:53. He is saying that we must receive Jesus into our lives in a spiritual sense like we eat and drink in a physical sense.


What benefits do we receive through receiving Communion?

As our physical bodies are nourished by the bread and wine, our spiritual bodies (“souls”) are strengthened and refreshed by the life of Christ. We are also strengthened and refreshed by the love and unity we share with fellow Christians, who make up the one “Body of Christ”, the Church.


How can we prepare to receive Holy Communion?

We can examine ourselves: Ask “Do I truly repent of my sins and intend to lead a new life in Christ?” “Do I have a living faith in God’s mercy through Christ and remember His atoning death with a thankful heart?” “Have I shown love and forgiveness to all people?” (1 Corinthians 11:27-32)


What is expected of us when we’ve shared in Holy Communion?

We have been strengthened and refreshed in our relationship with Jesus and other Christians through sharing in Holy Communion, we should continue to live in holiness, avoiding sin, showing love and forgiveness to all, and serving others in gratitude.

Updated 9/24